Brain over Heart
i think this helps me get out of alot of trouble.being soft hearted
never helps.the world is way more cruel.being soft hearted only
leaves you alot more vulnerable than you should be.
girls should NEVER be soft hearted.
it always puts them at a disadvantage
it's not that i dint put in 100% it was more of the
fact that i dont look and i probably shares
one thing in common -that we probably never look
back on major decisions that we've made which is a
good thing because there isnt any point of regretting
something you know clearly that at that point it was
exactly what you wanted.
it takes alot to "packup" and if i do,it'd probably be for
the greater good.but that doesnt mean i dont treasure
or cherish any part of it. It doesnt even mean that
i'd just forget everything and take it that nothing has
ever happened.
seasons change,things change,people change.
every phase is a new chapter.make the best out of it.
no one gets out alive anyway.
i dont like people to comment/judge my life especially
when they know nuts about me. if you think you know me
you think you understand me ask yourself again what
do you know about you even know whats been happening
to me day in day out? if you dont know you'd be better off not
saying anything.
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