One day per group of friends i have
So ystd was spend with bee and yao
and then today was spent with yuyong.

this is shiyao's tongue btw.
met YY for starbucks then had a walk around town.
where he got his dr denim chinos. fml mad tempted to
get a pair too okay! but i ought to be saving $$.then we
walked over to cathay cineleisure and walked all over
town and caught up quite abit before heading to the cathay
@ dhoby ghaut for dinner at nihon mura and then frolicks!
no YY isnt my boyfriend he's just a really close cousin of mine.
because our age difference is only a year and we pretty much
grew up together we're close. we can talk about anything,share
anything,and even shop together (Y)
i remember how we used to enjoy eating the same food and
talk crap and how we would have fun sitting there and have
seaweed eating competition and how we would fight over his
nintendo red colourless gameboy.
look at how much the both of us have grown now. if all goes
well he'd prolly be in army next year. but im really thankful
to still remain close with him because its like for once i have
a blood brother. everytime we go out. people mistake us for
a couple there was once a shopkeeper asked me if i wanted
the female version of the tee YY wanted to get,so we could
have a couple tee. super awkward but thought it was quite funny.

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