and i felt really grateful for you. In so many
A little bit here and there, a spoonful of sugar
every day, it adds up to a candy mountain.
in my darkest and most foresaken moments you were there.
when i was throwing up because i drank on an empty stomach
you took care of me without complaints, stood by to hold me
when i was tipsy and lost balance and i said that i could walk by
myself but was so weak.
lent me your towel to use as a blanket when i dint have any because
you knew i cannot sleep without my legs covered
helped me make it through so many examinations and test. your patience
amazes me even until today because i know its hard to teach someone like
me. but you never gave up on me until i really got hold of those concepts.
you practically saved me from my failing grades, from Ds to Bs
bring a jacket for me almost every other day just for me incase i feel cold
even though sometimes its really heavy considering we have so many
books to bring.
take the effort to pick out all the food garnishes that those annoying hawkers
put in my food when they've been specified not to. and for picking out all the
fish bones for me because if you dont i would not eat fish at all.
telling me "See you" instead of bye every time we hang up on the phone
because i once said i really hated goodbyes.
how you would never fail to send me a three page long goodnight message
every night before you sleep even if you arent in sg.
how you made me milo almost every night in case i felt cold and needed
something warm to drink.
your thoughtfulness warms me up every single day. have i told you, i find it
really cool how we can talk about everything under the sun and get weird
stares from people because people our age are too young to be talking about
finances. And plus how we can take turns reading the same book in say 30
minutes intervals.
you once said i amazed you with all my antics, i still hope to amaze you
every other day from now. each day with a better one.
ok now that im done typing the post,im hungry and
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