i have so much on my plate
i have been through so much stress in 1 week.
but i am still alive albeit being badly drained.
but i refuse to give up, not after all i have been through
but in this week i have learnt so much.
1. how it makes your day, when a total stranger and
their parents accomodate your timing your request
depsite it being out of the way for them because
they understand that you're having exams.
2. how it makes your day when whatever terms
you try to put out is being accomodated by
an overseas company even if you halved
their minimum order quantity by 75% because
they are willing to be understanding.
3. how it makes your day when you make new
friends because we help each other out.
4. how it makes your day when people thankyou
sincerely because you go out of your way to
meet them at no extra charge,even though you dont really have to.
this world is still beautiful.
even if 90% of the world is cruel.
thankgod for nice people
oh pandawn
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Saturday, June 04, 2011
there is no cannot in ohpandawn's dictionary
only dont want.
i have to get myself out of this misery.
and start to love that curly hair teacher's
module which i really dislike.
no matter how much shit i've had in life
i have always tolerated every bit of it
and got myself through it.
not going to falter this round
there is no cannot in ohpandawn's dictionary
only dont want.
i have to get myself out of this misery.
and start to love that curly hair teacher's
module which i really dislike.
no matter how much shit i've had in life
i have always tolerated every bit of it
and got myself through it.
not going to falter this round
Thursday, June 02, 2011
im extremely weary. its 3.40 am in the
morning. giving myself a break because
i dont want to go to sleep not completing
what i would like to complete.
tmr i'd be mugging @ the airport again.
meeting at 12pm. i was told i could
meet at 2pm instead but i insist that i'd
want to meet at 12. because i would
have more time to study.
i really study best at night
morning. giving myself a break because
i dont want to go to sleep not completing
what i would like to complete.
tmr i'd be mugging @ the airport again.
meeting at 12pm. i was told i could
meet at 2pm instead but i insist that i'd
want to meet at 12. because i would
have more time to study.
i really study best at night
Thursday, May 26, 2011
shit i give.
i think i have a very bad temper.
sometimes im too obnoxious
but i really have to thank my
friends and whoever who have
put up with all my nonsense
without fail.
but i've always seen it as something
that makes me know who to keep
close to heart.
but then again. i dont vent my temper
on my friends at all, because i dont
see why they have to put up with it.
unless i am really extremely pissed off
i usually keep quiet. i try hard to keep
my temper in control. and im still trying.
but it's really different for boyfriend and family
i admit im extremely spoilt. but only to 3 people
mom dad boyfriend (past/present/future). no one else.
somehow to a large extent my temper is inherited from
my dad ,but that's not an excuse for me to be spoilt.
i once told myself that i will never
get together with a guy who cannot
stand my temper or has a bad temper.
UNLESS he has a milder temper as compared
to me OR he is always willing to give in to me.
if not,dont even start anything because both
parties will always end up fighting.
and i think,that "theory" of mine still stands.
really hats off to those who have managed to put up
with all my shit.
sometimes im too obnoxious
but i really have to thank my
friends and whoever who have
put up with all my nonsense
without fail.
but i've always seen it as something
that makes me know who to keep
close to heart.
but then again. i dont vent my temper
on my friends at all, because i dont
see why they have to put up with it.
unless i am really extremely pissed off
i usually keep quiet. i try hard to keep
my temper in control. and im still trying.
but it's really different for boyfriend and family
i admit im extremely spoilt. but only to 3 people
mom dad boyfriend (past/present/future). no one else.
somehow to a large extent my temper is inherited from
my dad ,but that's not an excuse for me to be spoilt.
i once told myself that i will never
get together with a guy who cannot
stand my temper or has a bad temper.
UNLESS he has a milder temper as compared
to me OR he is always willing to give in to me.
if not,dont even start anything because both
parties will always end up fighting.
and i think,that "theory" of mine still stands.
really hats off to those who have managed to put up
with all my shit.
Monday, May 23, 2011
all by myself
honestly,i think im too stubborn for my own good.
but there are some things that once i set my heart
on doing, no matter how tough the going gets,
i will never let it go and i will perservere.
even if it means being so busy, being so suffocated
and only getting 3-4hours of sleep every night,
i wouldnt mind.
everyone's been telling me. studies ought to be
your priority but i have never in my entire
life placed studies as my priority purely because
i do not see academic results as a ticket to success.
your results get you an interview,it gives you a starting
point but IT WILL NOT gurantee you a job, a rice
bowl, a stable life.
im not saying quit school and get a job. im saying, balance
your time get a job and do averagely well in school.whats
the point of topping the entire nation but you dont have life
skills when you're left in the society you crumble and die.
to be successful in life you not only need education, you need
wits, you need opportunities, you need luck, you need guidance
and mostly importantly you need people with you if not the climb
is going to be a tough one with. literally "its ME and ME, up against
the world"
and i am not going to put my entire bet on an education.
simply because i believe there is more to life than studying.
but it doesnt mean im going to give up studying.
dont judge me,really.
but there are some things that once i set my heart
on doing, no matter how tough the going gets,
i will never let it go and i will perservere.
even if it means being so busy, being so suffocated
and only getting 3-4hours of sleep every night,
i wouldnt mind.
everyone's been telling me. studies ought to be
your priority but i have never in my entire
life placed studies as my priority purely because
i do not see academic results as a ticket to success.
your results get you an interview,it gives you a starting
point but IT WILL NOT gurantee you a job, a rice
bowl, a stable life.
im not saying quit school and get a job. im saying, balance
your time get a job and do averagely well in school.whats
the point of topping the entire nation but you dont have life
skills when you're left in the society you crumble and die.
to be successful in life you not only need education, you need
wits, you need opportunities, you need luck, you need guidance
and mostly importantly you need people with you if not the climb
is going to be a tough one with. literally "its ME and ME, up against
the world"
and i am not going to put my entire bet on an education.
simply because i believe there is more to life than studying.
but it doesnt mean im going to give up studying.
dont judge me,really.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Took some time to sit on my bed to relax
and i felt really grateful for you. In so many
A little bit here and there, a spoonful of sugar
every day, it adds up to a candy mountain.

in my darkest and most foresaken moments you were there.
when i was throwing up because i drank on an empty stomach
you took care of me without complaints, stood by to hold me
when i was tipsy and lost balance and i said that i could walk by
myself but was so weak.
lent me your towel to use as a blanket when i dint have any because
you knew i cannot sleep without my legs covered
helped me make it through so many examinations and test. your patience
amazes me even until today because i know its hard to teach someone like
me. but you never gave up on me until i really got hold of those concepts.
you practically saved me from my failing grades, from Ds to Bs
bring a jacket for me almost every other day just for me incase i feel cold
even though sometimes its really heavy considering we have so many
books to bring.
take the effort to pick out all the food garnishes that those annoying hawkers
put in my food when they've been specified not to. and for picking out all the
fish bones for me because if you dont i would not eat fish at all.
telling me "See you" instead of bye every time we hang up on the phone
because i once said i really hated goodbyes.
how you would never fail to send me a three page long goodnight message
every night before you sleep even if you arent in sg.
how you made me milo almost every night in case i felt cold and needed
something warm to drink.
your thoughtfulness warms me up every single day. have i told you, i find it
really cool how we can talk about everything under the sun and get weird
stares from people because people our age are too young to be talking about
finances. And plus how we can take turns reading the same book in say 30
minutes intervals.
you once said i amazed you with all my antics, i still hope to amaze you
every other day from now. each day with a better one.
ok now that im done typing the post,im hungry and
and i felt really grateful for you. In so many
A little bit here and there, a spoonful of sugar
every day, it adds up to a candy mountain.
in my darkest and most foresaken moments you were there.
when i was throwing up because i drank on an empty stomach
you took care of me without complaints, stood by to hold me
when i was tipsy and lost balance and i said that i could walk by
myself but was so weak.
lent me your towel to use as a blanket when i dint have any because
you knew i cannot sleep without my legs covered
helped me make it through so many examinations and test. your patience
amazes me even until today because i know its hard to teach someone like
me. but you never gave up on me until i really got hold of those concepts.
you practically saved me from my failing grades, from Ds to Bs
bring a jacket for me almost every other day just for me incase i feel cold
even though sometimes its really heavy considering we have so many
books to bring.
take the effort to pick out all the food garnishes that those annoying hawkers
put in my food when they've been specified not to. and for picking out all the
fish bones for me because if you dont i would not eat fish at all.
telling me "See you" instead of bye every time we hang up on the phone
because i once said i really hated goodbyes.
how you would never fail to send me a three page long goodnight message
every night before you sleep even if you arent in sg.
how you made me milo almost every night in case i felt cold and needed
something warm to drink.
your thoughtfulness warms me up every single day. have i told you, i find it
really cool how we can talk about everything under the sun and get weird
stares from people because people our age are too young to be talking about
finances. And plus how we can take turns reading the same book in say 30
minutes intervals.
you once said i amazed you with all my antics, i still hope to amaze you
every other day from now. each day with a better one.
ok now that im done typing the post,im hungry and
Not a bed of roses
life's been a rough patch for me lately
im sorry i have abandoned this blog
but im back to blogging.
i really am starting to hate school 9-5
on most days is fuckedup.
i've gone back to reading and i really
miss wuhan's weather.
i have so many mozzie bites on my
legs it is so fantabulously fugly i hope
it heals soon.
i want to gain like 3-5kg im stick thin
now and im very disgusted with myself.
dear syllabus, im not ready for you yet
i have too much on my hands and you
arent really a piriority. im sorry but
please try to go lenient on me.
calculations and mathematics have never
been my thing. flipped open pharm analysis
lecture notes to look through. i know im gna
have a tough time on this one, no questions asked.
how much more of all the shit am i gna get.
i was alot happier in wuhan, or so i realised.
im sorry i have abandoned this blog
but im back to blogging.
i really am starting to hate school 9-5
on most days is fuckedup.
i've gone back to reading and i really
miss wuhan's weather.
i have so many mozzie bites on my
legs it is so fantabulously fugly i hope
it heals soon.
i want to gain like 3-5kg im stick thin
now and im very disgusted with myself.
dear syllabus, im not ready for you yet
i have too much on my hands and you
arent really a piriority. im sorry but
please try to go lenient on me.
calculations and mathematics have never
been my thing. flipped open pharm analysis
lecture notes to look through. i know im gna
have a tough time on this one, no questions asked.
how much more of all the shit am i gna get.
i was alot happier in wuhan, or so i realised.
Sunday, March 06, 2011
one of the best people in my life
Made time for my close to hearts.
One day per group of friends i have
So ystd was spend with bee and yao
and then today was spent with yuyong.

this is shiyao's tongue btw.
met YY for starbucks then had a walk around town.
where he got his dr denim chinos. fml mad tempted to
get a pair too okay! but i ought to be saving $$.then we
walked over to cathay cineleisure and walked all over
town and caught up quite abit before heading to the cathay
@ dhoby ghaut for dinner at nihon mura and then frolicks!
no YY isnt my boyfriend he's just a really close cousin of mine.
because our age difference is only a year and we pretty much
grew up together we're close. we can talk about anything,share
anything,and even shop together (Y)
i remember how we used to enjoy eating the same food and
talk crap and how we would have fun sitting there and have
seaweed eating competition and how we would fight over his
nintendo red colourless gameboy.
look at how much the both of us have grown now. if all goes
well he'd prolly be in army next year. but im really thankful
to still remain close with him because its like for once i have
a blood brother. everytime we go out. people mistake us for
a couple there was once a shopkeeper asked me if i wanted
the female version of the tee YY wanted to get,so we could
have a couple tee. super awkward but thought it was quite funny.

One day per group of friends i have
So ystd was spend with bee and yao
and then today was spent with yuyong.

this is shiyao's tongue btw.
met YY for starbucks then had a walk around town.
where he got his dr denim chinos. fml mad tempted to
get a pair too okay! but i ought to be saving $$.then we
walked over to cathay cineleisure and walked all over
town and caught up quite abit before heading to the cathay
@ dhoby ghaut for dinner at nihon mura and then frolicks!
no YY isnt my boyfriend he's just a really close cousin of mine.
because our age difference is only a year and we pretty much
grew up together we're close. we can talk about anything,share
anything,and even shop together (Y)
i remember how we used to enjoy eating the same food and
talk crap and how we would have fun sitting there and have
seaweed eating competition and how we would fight over his
nintendo red colourless gameboy.
look at how much the both of us have grown now. if all goes
well he'd prolly be in army next year. but im really thankful
to still remain close with him because its like for once i have
a blood brother. everytime we go out. people mistake us for
a couple there was once a shopkeeper asked me if i wanted
the female version of the tee YY wanted to get,so we could
have a couple tee. super awkward but thought it was quite funny.

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